Disturbed sleep

Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Sun 30 Jun 2024 17:21

40:18.96N 32:26.35W

Day 9 Sunday

A’s watch started well, sailing gently under starlit skies until the wind, what little there was, started to veer and then  drop. A trying to keep sailing so as not have to wake F, admitted defeat after 3 hours. A went forward to the bow to snuff the cruising chute (Pull a sock down over it) F managed the lines in the cockpit. Engine on and F back to bed for another hour. Change of watch, had to bag the cruising chute, ie drop the halyard so the big sausage can be stuffed into the bag. Left up, it was swinging a lot and could cause damage. 

F experienced a magnificent moonrise and sunrise. A woke just as the trip 

Motoring now on glassy seas. No ships, occasional bird and a few men of war. 

Waited for the trip change from 999 miles( watching paint dry springs to mind) only it didn’t. Had to zero it first. 

Now 88 miles to go. Need to time our arrival in Flores in daylight. 

No ships.