
Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Fri 20 May 2022 12:30
An unexpected phone call late on Tuesday, a quick return trip to the boat and a new anchor chain was delivered. Tick that one off the list.

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Not sure how long it will remain so shiny.
A couple of days of rain and mist kept us away from the boat. Returned to Baddeck to the marina shop to purchase specific electrical bits, ready for the new batteries. Hoped to revisit the craft brewery with the food truck - closed. Subsequent restaurants also closed - too early in the season.
A sunny but chilly day today. As promised our wrap man arrived this afternoon with 2 helpers and very rapidly we were once again exposed to the elements. The work really starts now.

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From the cockpit have good view of neighbouring boat, bought cheap some time ago and allegedly all Sailing Club bills left unpaid, so lawyers involved. Perspex hatch cover blown off, balancing precariously on toe rail,hatch open to the elements for some time, presumably. Starlings have nested in the hull entering via a small hole from a missing electrical socket, chicks very vocal waiting to be fed. What a mess.

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