Orbs galore

Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Sun 3 Sep 2023 13:54

Left at 6pm as planned and enjoyed a spectacular sunset.

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The sun was a glowing red orb just before disappearing over the horizon. Treated to a repetition this morning just after it had risen. Always amazed at how brief these moments are. Camera phones cannot do them justice.
Having missed the blue moon, due to the storm, delighted to watch the almost full moon rise last night, again another glowing orb, could have been a CGI. Don’t remember catching moments like that before. A moonlit night always makes sailing more pleasurable.
The boat sailed well with good winds and flattish seas, with the Windpilot in operation.
Had a stowaway on board. A got out of her bunk to go on watch and disturbed a bird which had flown down through the saloon into the cabin and roosted/rested on the shelf at the end of the bunk. She got a fright not knowing in the semi darkness whether bird or bat (hates both in close quarters), (Ed. A politely omitted that F had just sat down in the head when he heard the blood curdling scream) and saw it fly into the cockpit. A followed to see a dainty orange robin, which had kindly left three dainty white droppings on the bottom sheet! Another trip to the laundry! Could have been worse. Could have been a seagull!
Approaching Cape Pine and entrance into the harbour, the land was covered by a bank of fog, a hazard in Newfoundland and particularly prevalent around this peninsula.

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Once it lifted, spectacular rock formations along the coast were visible.

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Arrived in Trepassey towards the eastern tip of the Avalon peninsula, only boat on the wharf, to be told of live music and the best fish and chips in Newfoundland nearby. Reminds us of Ireland.