And lastly

Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Tue 7 Aug 2018 13:00
After the frenetic hustle and bustle in the market, we made our way, reasonably successfully today, to the oasis of calm, The Frick Collection. This is housed in the former residence of Henry Clay Frick and includes a wonderful selection of paintings, some very well known, by Gainsborough, Turner, Rembrandt, El Greco, Vermeer, Titian and more. Frick’s collection was amazing- sculptures, including bronzes, French furniture, porcelaine, Limoges enamels and many quality items. 
The former coach drive was covered over to become a tranquil area to rest our legs! Our bodies aren’t up to all this walking. 

After a lengthy return journey with subway delays, arrived back at Port Washington station at 7pm to very black skies and the beginnings of a squall. To avoid getting soaked, we just had to find the closest bar for a couple of thirst quenching beers. We met a delightful couple, both widowed who had “hooked up” together with their 7 children ranging from 23 down to 10!  Everyone is soo friendly. Much nicer to watch the rain coursing down the street from inside while enjoying the convivial company of others. 
Again, only just made the last water taxi.