Nearly there.

Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Wed 13 Oct 2021 23:44
More of the same gnome-like behaviour as even more spares are listed and packed away.

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Further clearing, wiping down and the final main job of disconnecting the batteries. No Wi-fi, lights or water so now spurred on to get things finished
Treated ourselves to Walking Tacos and fries in the club.

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Basically all the taco toppings in a bag of Doritos -ground beef, grated cheese sour cream, salsa. Jalapeño peppers, lettuce - street food. Really good lunch but difficult to get going afterwards.
Last of the laundry done and final bit of tidying then finished. F valiantly continues with sewing of the helm cover. Now only need to put out “moisture grabbers” and dehumidifiers.
Aiming to check out life rafts in Sydney tomorrow. Ours cannot be serviced in US or Canada, is now very out of date, so will be replaced at the start of the season next year.