Summer solstice!

Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Thu 22 Jun 2023 13:59

12 degrees inside yesterday and today. F leapt out of bed, put the heating on and leapt back in again. By 2pm it was 26 degrees. We have 4 days of sunny warm weather forecast. Still wearing thermal jim-jams though.
More jobs ticked off. New winches on mast worked a treat. A raised the main quite easily- good for the bingo wings according to F. Could never have done that using winch in the cockpit. Reefing lines 1 & 2 then added to mainsail.
Some lines at foot of mast rerouted. Blocks added and changed, some to double blocks to stop snagging. Lots of trial and error.

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Still need to swap over a couple of halyards. Requires gentle wind (or to be at anchor) as need to drop the staysail.
Replaced perished safety elastics holding back locker lids, when open. Lots of minor jobs to do all at once.

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Had to do full inventory of what is where and make a note accordingly. Just like moving house and having to find a home for everything. Nearly there.
One of our neighbours - Run aground Sue!

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