More generosity

Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Thu 30 Sep 2021 19:35
Invited to another delightful home cooked 3 course meal on Tuesday evening by our hosts, again a real treat with great company.
Had to wait until after the pre-booked call to WestJet. The call started off so well, but rapidly went downhill when we asked to add another leg to our flights - too much for the system. Another call came in to F and the initial call dropped out. Gave up and supper called. Returned home with a Red Cross Parcel of delicious home made soup, another evening meal catered for. They are so kind.
Made the decision to book new flights and pre-book another call - earliest time first thing Friday, to cancel the original and hopefully get a refund.
Weather on Wednesday dire, torrential rain and storms so went into Sydney to extend hire car, book hotel for night before early flight out and buy a new drill. F very pleased with purchase and charged it at first opportunity, only to find the drill itself had an intermittent fault
Foggy first thing but not raining. Arrived at Yacht Club expecting the boat to be lifted. No hoist operator appeared, nothing happened. It turns out it’s a public holiday: the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

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Looking longingly at our new spot across the green closer to the hoist.
Tomorrow perhaps?
Messed up our lunch too, as had planned to buy at the club, but Thyme Savour not operating today. Neither was Bette’s Kitchen Had to be soup from Sobey’s, Canada’s Waitrose. Never seen one of these outside W. F wants one.

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Pottered about and made decision to return drill- just as well, only one left, which is charging happily at this very moment. Am expecting great things.