Change of plan

Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Sat 26 Aug 2023 00:12
Left Louse Harbour without incident and without a guide. A seal did pop up to say goodbye.
Had a cracking sail, close hauled enjoying our cutter rig, reaching 7 knots on occasion.

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The wind dropped and changed direction making for slower progress.
F spent a great deal of time playing with the instruments, (even reading the manual!) digging deep into the menu as well as downloading various forecasts and weather routing.
As a result of the latter, there has been a change of plan, the wind was due to drop considerably overnight making for a slow sail or a noisy passage under engine, so decided to anchor south of Fortress Louisbourg. Felt it to be prudent to take the dinghy off the davits, remove the outboard, lift the dinghy onto the fore deck so we can use the wind pilot on the stern for the long crossing. A hopes she’ll get on with it this time.
All went according to plan apart from arriving at sunset, when swarms of mosquitoes came for us. They are very big here. Very quickly put the mosquito net over the companionway, so they didn’t venture down below. Once dinghy had been hoisted up over the guardrails and was on deck A & F abandoned everything and escaped to the saloon Will be covered in insect repellant and head nets in the morning.
Another harbour seal popped up to say hello on arrival. Aim is to leave very early to ensure a daytime arrival on Sunday.