Wild life.

Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Tue 1 Aug 2023 22:43

Woke up yesterday to vibrating in the rigging , pinging noises as well as splashing. Similar today. It turns out a hawk (exact species to be determined) was using the mast as a launching pad for fishing. 
The boat has also become home to a potter wasp or wasps. They find the tiniest hole or crevice and build a mud nest. So far they have found three but A is onto it! They collect small caterpillars to feed their young. The caterpillars are paralysed with the wasp’s sting and piled into the brood cell in which the wasp larvae develops. Couldn’t understand why we kept finding tiny green caterpillars. Obviously dropped after being chased/swatted by A. 
Our enforced stay has concentrated the minds. Several jobs ticked off and more added. Generator sadly beyond repair after screws being drilled out. Off to to the dump thanks to Pat v
Feeling the pressure as have to be out of Canadian waters by 28th. Phone call on Monday to diesel engine expert recommended by Pat means replacement parts should hopefully arrive by Thursday. Eye wateringly expensive but that’s boats and Volvo engines for you.