How to make a square hole out of a round one

Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Thu 29 Jun 2023 18:54

The last (?) item of the navigation system needs to be fitted. Of course it is replacing an instrument with a round hole but needs a square one, very accurately cut. An easy job in the garage at home, but a trestle in the carpark with a dremell drill battery needing to be recharged 4 times plus a handsaw is another story. It took most of the afternoon, but was finally done and the all singing all dancing B&G instrument was fitted.

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Another trip to the top of the mast to fit the wind instrument and the spare halyard completed.

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That speck really is F. Steps not as easy to open & close as they could be, they are plastic (Ed. Super strong glass reinforced nylon!!) …as I said, plastic but better than none?
The Genoa halyard had been replaced by F’s climbing rope, so that was reinstated and the Genoa bent on and furled. All done with relative ease for a change. Most jobs take at least 3 times as long as expected but weather and fortune in our favour today. Phew.