Port Jefferson 40:57N 073:04W Dismantled the pump as far as Possible, couldn’t see anything amiss, all the seals intact and the burst disks (mechanical fuse which pops if you hit something or run aground) were unpopped. So, gave up, reinstalled the pump and opened a bottle of red. At 05:30 next morning, after a sleepless night thinking of hydraulics, I resorted to Google. Found a diagram and a set of instructions (in French, of course) hidden away in the manufacturer’s website and stuffed them into Google translate. Received a translation to rival the Chinglish instructions for a 80s VCR. “Check the pump valve change the body and (ball) see the cutting plane the pellet is located between the 2 stainless steel parts and the square seal under the pellet door a then checks to see the ball Ø 6 see possible plan blocks under the CI clips , unscrew the screw on the Bielette and rocker to extract the 2 aluminium rocker parts and the piston Ø20 from the top Pass a 2 mm needle rod to loosen the ball if jamming on the circlips, ball must be free in without housing the ball is raised when the piston comes out filling the volume and closes down the piston and ejects the liquid from the other side on the other BIL The closing for more ease or change of the pump body method so pull out the cartridge holder and gasket from the bottom, unscrew the aluminum part arrives water hose and pull out the cartridge from the bottom, put a shaft smaller than the hole Ø 20 in the box of the piston and type with a small hammer piece in hand a change” “Type with a small hammer” was the only bit which made some sense so I tapped a 2mm drill bit into the opening and reassembled the pump and magically it worked. Remounted the pump, filled and purged the hydraulics and we made the tide for the 26 miles East to Port Jefferson. Execution Rocks where surely, a fake-news legend says that British soldiers chained American republicans at low tide and left them there. Although......... It was a windless 26 miles under engine but Port Jefferson is a delightful harbour with yacht club mooring balls. They come with club facilities, Wi-fi, free pump-out and a launch to get ashore - $55/night, oh well it’s still New York State I suppose. |