
Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Sun 17 Sep 2023 23:34
Arrived in Bonavista yesterday, had the engine and radar on the whole way. No wind but thick fog again, the foghorns were particularly loud as we came round the cape as we approached the harbour
Strong winds today but glorious sunshine and 23 degrees.
Harbour office also houses the replica of The Matthew. A memorial to Giovanni Caboto ( John Cabot) is in front of it, said to have sailed here from Bristol in 1497.

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Needed to stretch our legs, saw old fishing sheds and racks for drying fish.

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The shore line itself and sand quite volcanic, reminded us of The Canaries.

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The grocery store has been going since 1892, closed on a Sunday.

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Discovered a boardwalk around Old Day’s Pond, formerly a sewage outflow site for two neighbourhoods. A major cleanup started and it’s now a haven for numerous ducks, geese, seabirds and songbirds. The UK needs to follow suit!

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Still had time to visit The Matthew, an interesting exhibition with a short video of The Bristol Matthew, built for the 500th anniversary of the original voyage, arriving here in 1997. The Queen was here to celebrate the anniversary.
Back on the boat, strong winds meant folding the bimini away, making sure all lines were tied off and sail bag zipped up fully.
The sunshine belies the gusty conditions. Will be staying at least another day here.

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