On the move again

Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Fri 27 Sep 2019 17:12
45:43.9N 60:47.5W
Chapel Island at the end of St Peter’s Inlet
Left the marina at St Peter’s this morning, we had become far too comfortable. Winds very strong and gusty but the inlet leading into the lakes was very sheltered. Some amazing waterside properties again.

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At the end of the Inlet the chapel on Chapel Island is very visible.

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The island is the Potlotek First Nation Reserve (PFN) sometimes called the Mi’kmaq capital. The land was granted to the Mi’kmaq in the 1830s. The first missionary priest to visit the region settled with the Mi’kmaq on Chapel island in the 1740s and built the church in 1754 - the longest continuous mission in Canada.
Due to the numerous rocks, sandbars and islands, had to do a big detour and now at anchor round the back of the island. The strong winds are not due to abate until this evening and as there is a big fetch across the lake, with quite a chop, lunchtime anchorage has become overnight anchorage. Have a good view through the gap of the white horses on the other side of the island.

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Numerous blue buoys are marking mussel beds. Cruising guide suggests we would be offered mussels for supper, if they are being harvested. Certainly wouldn’t object to that.

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Enjoying the warmth of the afternoon sunshine in the shelter of the cockpit, as we gently swing to and fro.