Another lightweight lighthouse

Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Tue 13 Aug 2019 17:45
Made our way carefully between Wreck Island!
and Indian Harbour Lighthouse on Paddy’s Head Island and round into the harbour.The only boat at anchor there.
The Lighthouse was established in 1901, the pyramidal, wooden tower being built under the supervision of Amos McLennan for $728.24, and Henry Boutillier was appointed the first keeper on June 6, 1901 with an annual salary of $100. It almost cost us that for a mooring at the Nova Scotia Royal Yacht Squadron last night!
F took the opportunity to try out his new (to him) $50, full length wetsuit, bought in case we picked up ropes round the propellor from the numerous lobster pots in Maine. Chose the relatively shallow and relatively warm (18 degrees ) water to put it to the test. He did pour a kettle of warm water into it first though. It worked a treat and all good on Scot Free’s bottom.
Indian Harbour Lighthouse is equally as attractive as Peggy’s Cove Lighthouse which was about 3 miles away but without the people - Peggy’s Cove being referred to as Tourist Ground Zero in our pilot book. Both were established as fishing communities and still are today. Peggy’s Cove is considered to be very picturesque and a top attraction. Will only visit by car at the crack of dawn before the tour buses arrive, if we’re in the area again.