Happy 4th July!!!

Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Fri 5 Jul 2019 01:46
Avoided a huge number if lobster pots. Saw numerous seals, too shy to be snapped. A. was surprised by a blow to starboard and even more surprised to capture the culprit!
Consulted the whale identification guide. Totally confused. A minke? Any suggestions from those with local knowledge. Open to correction.
Decided today on Monhegan Island. Had a gentle sail here averaging 5knots.
Plan A. A ferry-boat mooring, available overnight until 11am tomorrow, so seemed like a no brainer. Success it was free! Took the dinghy over to the beach.Went ashore and discovered the Monhegan Brewery had a live music event. Another no brainier.
A couple of beers later and burgers in aid of local charity (that’s our excuse) we returned to the boat for sunset
And fireworks!
Not bad for a small island!
Off to Rockland tomorrow.