Happy 4th July!!!

Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Fri 5 Jul 2019 01:46
Full of good intentions, hoping to get away early. Instead we were busy hoisting the main, checking the reefing lines when the muffin men arrived. It would have been churlish to turn them down especially when they’d got to us before we left! Elevenses and afternoon tea sorted!

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Avoided a huge number if lobster pots. Saw numerous seals, too shy to be snapped. A. was surprised by a blow to starboard and even more surprised to capture the culprit!

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Consulted the whale identification guide. Totally confused. A minke? Any suggestions from those with local knowledge. Open to correction.
Decided today on Monhegan Island. Had a gentle sail here averaging 5knots.
Plan A. A ferry-boat mooring, available overnight until 11am tomorrow, so seemed like a no brainer. Success it was free! Took the dinghy over to the beach.Went ashore and discovered the Monhegan Brewery had a live music event. Another no brainier.

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A couple of beers later and burgers in aid of local charity (that’s our excuse) we returned to the boat for sunset

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And fireworks!

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Not bad for a small island!
Off to Rockland tomorrow.