Sailing around the World

A Lady
Stephen Hyde
Tue 8 Mar 2011 12:15
MARCH 2011
We are here a week today, and thinking back over
the week, it must be said that " Rally Control" had a difficult time,
Trying to organise things around here is difficult
and as said before, time means nothing,
We have said before that we think Paul &
Susanna have done a great job for the " World ARC" and generally
made life very easy for the fleet, especially
when entering and leaving Ports, organising parties and tours, not to
all the paperwork,
Still the week was different and
enjoyable and we are ready to go now, however "go" is next thursday when we
leave for " Granada" ,
It is the last leg of the Trip, and a distance of
more than 2,000 miles,
Early, as skipper was typing the blog , Herman
called to " A Lady " and explained that they ( He and Sylvia ) were unable to
join us for the
next leg, it was very obvious to us, that they were
very dissapointed. and so were we.
That leaves Skipper,The First Mate Aileen, &
Susanna from Rally Control , who will be joining us for this leg.
The winds and current are expected to be in our
favour , ( mind you , we have heard this before, and they were
anything but.BUT )
You know the way things go wrong, well one of the
local yachts got the tide all wrong and hit the mud bank at the marina
on their way out to sea , and it was a falling
tide, so the boat just just lay down on her side and spent the day stuck there,
Ohhhh, that sinking
We spent most of the day pottering around the boat,
then up to the pool for a swim and this was followed by having
in the Yacht Club, all very civilised,
We invited Dick and Irene, Dave and Sue, Joe and
Judy, and John and Jenny for drinks at 6.30pm on board " A Lady "
This was good fun, again swopping stories, and as
most of them are British ( except Joe & Judy, who are Yanks, actually
Canadian but live
in the US. ) Skipper got great pleasure in rubbing
in the fact that Irelands cricket team beat England in the World Limited
The England team just having won the Ashes
Ohhhhh, that was good........ ( news recieved from
Alan Mc Millan , Belfast )
When we were finished, we all toddled off to "
Spettus " the steak restaurant, and had another great meal, and plenty of wine,
Skipper even managed to play a little on the grand
piano before leaving the restaurant to return to the Marina,
We lifted the rib out of the water, as we usually
do ( because the water is so dirty ) however ,on this
skipper managed to drop the stopper from the hull
into the drink. Ohhhh my Gawd.
we will have to get inventive here as we do not
have a spare.
Shortly after, it started to rain, and real heavy
rain at that,
Thats all,
Signed :- Stephen
Hyde, ( Skipper )