Sailing around the World,, ( presently at Sea between Bali and the Coco's Keeling Islands)

A Lady
Stephen Hyde
Sat 18 Sep 2010 18:03
2010 ( Day 5 )
06.00hrs, Having had a bad night as in
shredding the Kite again, dawn brought a new air of confidence, so we
set up a goose winging arrangment and away we went
once more.
Distance travelled
...............................................738 miles
Distance to
destination........................................326 miles
Wind E to ENE
................................................18 / 22
For a change, we had fried eggs on toast for
breakfast, plus the specially made fruit juice by Aileen.
It beats the usual of Cornflakes and
09.00hrs Radio Net :- today
the Net Controller was " Eowyn " and it appears that we are still in the lead
few boats,
All those in front of us are giving us time, (
thats all of 1 boat " Destiny" )
We had lots of showers during the rest of the
morning, and everyone on board had showers as well. It is hot ,
We spent time reading up on the Coco's Islands, It
is the last remaining Atoll we will visit on the trip and we are all
looking forward to swimming off the back of the
We had an email from Mike Dicks on the Coco's, It
seems it has been raining there for the last 2 weeks or so, but TG the
sun is shinning today and they expect the weather
to be good for the next week or so.
The Islands belong to Australia, and have a total
population of about 600 people.
The Islands were first inhabited around the mid
1800's and its main buisness was the production of Copra, This is
made from coconuts and is used for the manufacture
of coconut oil, coconut cream, coconut flakes, and lots of other
The water around the Islands is very clear and is
supposed to be a great place for swimming and diving, plus sail
12.00hrs, We have 290 miles to our
13.30 hrs We had a great disply of Whales
jumping out of the water about 1 mile to the south of us,
It was a spectacular sight to see these huge
mammels leap so high into the air, some of them must weigh 60 tons or
and it continued for at least 15
Dinner today was cold lamb, with roast spuds,
carrotts and peas.......... We definatly wont get fat on this
For the rest of the day, we read books, kept
turning off the friggin alarms which kept going off every so often. and having
Another thing, The electronic chart of this
area we ordered for the E120 Raymarine before we left Cork has no detail of
the Coco's Islands on it.
can you credit that... lucky for us, the RL80
chart which Terry brought out with him has all the necessary details, except
that plotter is down
below at the Navigation Desk.
Darkness fell and we had a good 20 knots of breeze
pushing us along at 8.5 knots, ( with the benifit of a 1.5 knot current
We think we had a bad day,, but
then , thats a rare occasion.
The night watches are
:- 22.00hrs /
00.00hrs .........................................Terry
00.00hrs / 02.00hrs
/ 04.00hrs............................................Aileen
04.00hrs /
06.00hrs /
Thats all :-
Signed ............ Stephen Hyde
( Skipper )