Sailing around the World with the World ARC.. ( presently in Mauritius )

A Lady
Stephen Hyde
Fri 22 Oct 2010 06:38
2010 ( The the Year of the Tiger
06.00hrs Aileen vanished off to Mass again,,
She has a long list of of friends , and their children and granchildren to
pray for, not
to mind our own and add the mothers as well,
Aileen's Mother is 90 and skippers mother is 94, and mothers sister Edie is 91,
God bless
them all,
08.00 ABC cars turned up to collect the rent a car,
we got good use out of it during the week , but unfortunatly never got to do the
golf , because of skippers kidney thing. speaking of which, is doing well but
still peeing some blinking blood. and that makes it all very uncomfortable,,
ohhhhhhh, but it will eventually get
Later, Terry cleaned up the rib and put back the
fuel tanks, plus doing other cleaning bits down at the rear end of the
Later still, Terry and Colette wandered off down
town just soaking up the atmosphere of this magic Island, Aileen got up on her
non existant bike
and took off checking out the shops again, It is
wonderfull to see how women can keep going around the shops day in and day out
and never
get boared. It has to be a special gene handed down
from mothers to daughters, and missed men completly.
Meanwhile , skipper is left holding the fort back
on " A Lady" doing the blinkin blog, reading and catching up on all the
emails, actually we had lot of
mail recently from the usuals and in particular
from the occasionals, including Brid & Micheal Dwan from Ganworth, Gillian
and Fergus O'Connell,
Ian Mc Millan, N.I. Marion Munch,
Germany, Anne, (Aileens sister in Sweedan
) Siun, our sailing friend from " Liberty " ( In Fiji
Fergus Quinlan and Kay from " Pylades" ( Who are
still in Fiji Soggy Suva ), skippers sister
Helen, daughters Sarah and Leah, and son
It is great to get all the emails, well done and
keep it up..
Neil took the small diving bottle down to" Wild
Tigris" and had it filled with oxygen, as they have their own air compressor on
This saved a lot of time looking for a diving
centre to do the same job.
14,30 hrs Aileen dragged skipper down town
for a break ( actually as the paymaster general ) and in hind sight it was good,
The value here is
excellent, and we bought some designer shoes for a
quarter of the price at home, Further along the road, we got some more shoes,
this time
the cost about 10 euro's each , here skipper found
sailing sandles exactly the same as he was wearing and had
purchased in Ireland for 200euro's+
and here they were just 7 euro's , but obviously
not the same make, but in all other respects , exactly the same.
Unfortunatly, they did not have the right
Later we wandered around to the market, an amazing
food market and full of fresh veg of every a fantastic variety
of spices,
then we managed to find pinapple in tins, we need
this for cooking and found it difficult ot get, no problem with fresh pinapple,
its everywhwere
except it goes off quickley enough, On
our way back to the boat, we collected a bag of ice for the freezer. (
really for the G&T's )
When we arrived back to the boat, Terry and
Collette were all dolled up and waiting for our return to head over to the
outer dock for tonights party,
being hosted by Caudan Marina, We got ready
quickly and all walked the short distance to the gathering of all the
Here there were 3 or 4 tents, all located in a special designated area for
the party , plus all the food tables, drinks tables, bands, and dancing
plus all the usual dignateries , led by Paul, Andrew and Susanne from World
The dancing was outstanding by these young
beautifull girls, and raises the question of our friend " Ian" from
Belfast, who asked us, why the Blog never has any mention of
sex.............hmmmmmmm, hmmmmm, why indeed. ( Obviously we are afraid of the
consequences of doing just that )
If our yacht club is prepared to disconnect us
from their web site over flowery friggin langauge, can you imagine what would
happen over the mention sex ! yeah SEX. )
that thing that makes the world go around, everyone
does it, everyone enjoy's it and yet its all Hush, Hush, and you cant
discuss IT . it might offend.
NOW, this brings us back to the dancing, These
beautifull creatures in fantastic colourfull skirts dancing gracefully and
moving their bottoms
slowely around in circles in a very suggestive
fashion made every Boy and Man in the place green and it was
obvious from looking at their faces what they were
thinking....... ................ Yeah, yeah, and the end
result would be a big broad smile on their faces. Ohhhhh, just
Now, as the evening wore on, and we mingled with
the crowd, the drink was flowing freely, mostly local Rum and coke,
We heard words we never heard before, like " they
are Buckeled " or " they have loopy lips " , but one thing is certain,
there will be sick heads tomorrow,
" Chessy " was tied up to the marina just at the
party place, so in their usual generous fashion, invited most of the crowd onto
their boat
towards the end of the night, making sure that the
party would go on all night.
During the night we spent a good while talking to
our N.B.F's Philippe and Ingrid, who hosted the party, which was
organised by the WARC .
now World ARC have organised some great
parties over the last 8 months, but this took the buiscuit, well done Paul
and Susanna
At the end of the night, Terry managed to do his
special T.B.D . ( the middle letter stands for belly, guess the rest
All in all, we had a great night , Late , we
staggered back to the boat and helped each other down the steps and into
scratchers, Cant remember if we had a night cap or
not !
Thats all for today , Who said anything about
sex !
Signed :- Stephen
Hyde ( Skipper )