Sailing around the World . ( presently in Mauritius )
A Lady
Stephen Hyde
Tue 19 Oct 2010 06:02
th OCTOBER 2010
06.00hrs Aileen got up early and took
off to Mass, Most likely praying for skippers recovery,
Skipper is still feeling sore, well aware of all
the poking the doctor did inside his lower right hand side to remove the
He is also still popping the pills for pain and
Neil got up, full of the joys of life , as he was
off to do his PADDI course. he was joined in this venture by Richie ( from Derry
) and
his girlfriend " Charlie " Richie is
the Skipper on " Grand Filou" the Shipman 63,
The weather was definatly after taking a turn for
the worst, RAIN, it started to rain, and we have a load of washing hanging
along the side of the boat
out to dry,, Murphy's law, As soon as
it is put out, it starts to rain,, However, we have not seen very much
rain since we arrived, so we
will not complain today.
Aileen and skipper walked down town to sort out her
phone, Aileen lost her pin no. and so we rambled off to the telecom bldg. where
met one of the girls and got the whole thing
sorted. Skipper was amazed that they would be able to track back through the
records to find this
lost pin no. but they did and herself was
soooooo happy.
from there we walked down to the Post Office and
posted all our cards, and then strolled back to the boat, where we met Terry and
Collette, who had
just got up out of the Scratcher and were having
breakfast in the cockpit.
Skipper and Terry took off in the car to the
Chandlery in an effort to replace some of our bits, ie, bulbs for the engine
clocks, and bulbs for the compass,
plus a 12v pump for the refridgeration plus
sigaflex, but the only thing they had was the pump.
We toured some other hardware stores, but found
nothing of use. so we returned to the boat, The girls were missing, so
whats new !
14.00hrs, As we were entertaining Philippe
and his wife Ingrid for dinner tonight, we decided to go to one of the new
monster supermarkets
for food, As mentioned previously, Philippe
is the manager of the " Waterfront Complex" and was also the
The supermarket complex was new and located about
10k south of Port Louis,
The whole area around the supermarket was being
developed at a great rate, ( Called " Cyber City " ) Office buildings
and shops everywhere, a frenzy , just like Ireland was 5 years ago, and the
thing is there were very few people in the supermarket................and a
buisness like this needs lots of people to survive.
The supermarket was called " JUMBO'S " and
had an extensive range of goods and food,
We spent a good 2 hours wandering around the place
before returning to the boat.
Skipper set about preparing dinner , while the rest
had a couple of beers to relax.
Tonights food :-
Starters.................... Prawn salad, with salmon, prawns, egg, grapes,
luttice, toast, and of course the " marie rose " sauce.
Maincourse...............Roast leg of Lamb, creamed potatoes, roast potatoes,
and mixed veg, of pea's and green beans,
Wine's ..................... The best we had. ( we even considered opening the
bottle of " Black Tower" we found in an off licence yesterday.
Can you imagine that, " Black Tower "
It was the ultimate for those who knew nothing about wines when we first
started drinking wines back
in the dark ages. fond memories.
Ingrid has her own buisness , organising trips to
other countries as well as aranging accomation and trips for visitors to
Mauritius, and she was very
interesting to listen to, She grew up in Rodesia in
her younger years, before spending time with her parents in , London, S.A. and
perhaps Australia as well.
Meanwhile, Philippe filled us in on the commercial
life of Mauritius, his forefathers came to Mauritius back in the 1700's from
France, and
he also spent time in france. All very
interesting ,,
We had a very good and interesting evening with our
guests, 7 of us in all around the table.
We had a late night, and eventually found our way
to the scratchers.
Thats all for now,
Signed :- Stephen
Hyde ( Skipper )