A Lady
A Lady
Stephen Hyde
Thu 2 Jul 2009 10:33
Yesterday 1/07/09 we had a fairly uneventfull trip
from laxe to muros. the wind was light so we motor sailed.saw just one whale,
denis thinks it was a hump back.
we arrived at approx 17.30 to discover another cork
boat.the owners turned out to be Brian and Anne Cronin, former owners of "the
blue haven" in kinsale.
we ate ashore in a lovely restaurant
called espello. We had a real laugh as we had no spanish and they hadent a
word of english, but between hand sketches and some gobbled e gook language, we
managed a supberb meal.plus 3 bottles of wine, all for 33 euros
02/07/09, after some shopping we departed muros ,
again the was very light so motor sailing was the order for today------ to be