Who wants to sail around the woald ! ( Port Elizabeth )

A Lady
Stephen Hyde
Wed 24 Nov 2010 10:29
TUESDAY 23rd November
" Jeannius " a multihull on the trip with the World
ARC arrived last night and tied alongside us, The boat is sailed just by Mike
and Jean
and they had a tough time comming down from Durban,
Whats more, their new generator ( installed in that place called " Mackay "
still does not work ,, Crickey, we
really have nothing good to say about that place.
Early this morning, " Arianne" returned to P.E for
the second time and " Lady Eve 1V " arrieved from Durban , plus a
Contest from
Holland , she left port yesterday with us, but
obviously decided to return also. Goes to show how bad things were out
Skipper is just going to have a cup of cocoa,, Did
you know that cocoa originates from ancient central america , and was
used as a precious food for the Gods, before
being used as a form of payment, It has lost none of its magical flavours over
the centuries.
Did you Know....................... Croissants were
invented by the Viennese Baker " Peter Wender " in 1683
So Croissants and Cocoa, what a lovely
It was a real cloudy miserable morning, and the
wind was still honking out of the west, ohh, are we happy to be in out of that
We went to the Y.C. for breakfast, but were too
busy with a party , so no joy there again, We will obviously never get
to eat in the place.
We did some house work on the boat, did the
blog,and emails and grnerally relaxed in the saefty of P.E.
Aileen was like a hen on an egg, she does not like
hanging around relaxing, So she eventually suggested a trip to the shopping
to top up her phone, ( we knew this was just an
excuse to get off the boat ) BUT, but, skipper knows better than
to object.
having seen this situation millions of times over a
life time, Oh yes of course, ! ordered up the taxi and off we sped
to the
farthest away centre in town.
Eventually , skipper unravelled himself and hates
to admit, but enjoyed crawling around all the different shops , and getting
some provisions in Woolworths for the next few
We returned to the boat, and Aileen cooked a Mutton
curry with rice. It was afull good and we enjoyed it all washed down with
few glasses of wine.
We checked the weather and all looks good for
leaving tomorrow morning . so we had a night cap and off to the scratchers
Thats all for now,
Signed :- Stephen Hyde (
Skipper )