" A LADY TRIP " Sailing around the World ----------- presently in Manihi, The Tuamotu's, French Polynesian Islands, South Pacific.

A Lady
Stephen Hyde
Tue 13 Apr 2010 17:11
April. 2010
08.00hrs A late relaxing rise for the crew,
then the usual swim to shake off the sleep.
We had a phone conversion with Margaret How, who is
joining the boat in Fiji for a while, and Donal will be leaving the boat in
No connection , just coinsidence.
11.30 The skipper is having lessons in
using his diving equipment with Mark ( the french resident diver with the resort
He was excellent and put the skipper through all
the steps, One thing , we have no weights, It seems the skipper will need
about 5 / 6 kg's
otherwise he can just stay swimming along the
Donal did some scouting around the place in the rib
while Stephen was taking his lessons,
S & A went for a long walk in the midday sun, (
just to burn off some of the excess food we have been having over the last few
weeks )
Then , we had a light lunch at the hotel, before
going for a 20km cycle around the perimeter of the Island, using hotel
The cycling was fun, we tried killing a few land
crabs, but they were too fast and escaped without much
A Laugh, Stephen explained to Aileen as they
were bombing along , that the brake's were applied by back peddling.
she backpeddled hard to test what I said, and of
course the bike came to a sudden halt , but Aileen kept going, Ohhhhhhh shit
Lesson 1
17.45hrs Donal came ashore and we all ( except
Aileen the TT ) had a beer or two, before going back to the boat
for a chicken dinner prepared by
What a place, what an evening, beautifull
surroundings, warm, flat water with a nice breeze blowing to keep us cool, and
the stars,
Those magnificant stars dancing in the sky.
and us ! there stuffing our faces in the cockpit,, feck the
Good night,
Signed :- Stephen
Hyde ( Skipper )