" A LADY TRIP" Sailing around the World, ( presently at sea, between the galapagos and marquesses )

A Lady
Stephen Hyde
Tue 9 Mar 2010 12:16
Monday 8th March
2010 DAY 2
05.00hrs Aileen came on watch, the skipper went to
sleep in the cockpit, a lovely night wiyh dawn just beggining to
We passed 3 boats during the night, 2 fishing and a
ship in the distance.
The wind was very light, 3 or 4 knots, so we motered in a south westerly direction in an effort
to locate the wind,
Looking into the grib files, we reconed the wind
would be about 150 miles out here.
11.00hrs The wind was now improving, we have 10
knots SSE,
12.00hrs Radio contact with the fleet is midday
every day, we exchange our positions and weather conditions,
We are well south of the fleet ( 27 boats) and in a
much stronger breeze than anyone else, Great stuff,
14.00 Light avacado prawn salade by the skipper on
deck, as we are now sailing along at 9 knots,
16.00 We put on the generator to make some water,
as we are down to our last 200L and would not take any on board in the Galapagos
the quality was not good. You know , all goods and
provisions in the Galapagos are brought there by ship and ferried ashore in flat
bottomed barges,
This includes their drinking water, and all done
once a week. ( resident population approx 17000 )
We are all back reading our books again, the
skipper still trying to finish " Mc Carthys Bar " This has to be one of the
funniest books ever written.
Read it some day, you will not regret
We covered less than 150 miles the first 24hrs, For
us this is slow going, but now we have the wind and with the benifit of a 1.5
knot current
in our favour ,we should do much
20.00hrs Lasaigne dinner by the skipper, plus doing
all the wash up later, ( spoilt brats)
At night out here , the humidity is awsome, Enough
moisture in the air to drown a few joy riders.
Aileen.............21.00hrs to 12.00hrs
..............12.00hrs to 05.00hrs
Stephen..........05.00hrs to
Beautifull night for sailing, good night from
the Pacific.
Signed :- Stephen
Hyde, ( Skipper)