A Lady trip, Avoiding the recession and rain in style

A Lady
Stephen Hyde
Sun 22 Nov 2009 17:04
MONDAY 16 November
Early morning Eddie Scougall arrieved and looked
over the sea fresh water maker.
Daniel also arrieved and we seemed to be growing
problems, so at lunch time Daniel and S.H went to Pier 19 for
S.H went back to the ship later to check progress ,
while Daniel went in search of a 24 volt spot light bulb for the search
The Oystr boys replaced some pipework
installed and fitted to the water pressure pump in cork.
later we were told that our D3 was cracked and had
to be replaced,
Oyster fixed the sink leaks . Daniel returned with
the lamp and then left for the airport and returned to England.
Aileen and Stephen had a chineese in Cathelena town
and had an early night.