" A LADY " Trip around the world ( presently in Marigot Bay, St Lucia, the Caribbean )

A Lady
Stephen Hyde
Sat 2 Jan 2010 13:21
FRIDAY 1st January
2010 New Years day
Very shakey start for most of us, except
Aileen, who does not drink. Gave it up a couple of years ago.
10.00 we sailed out of Mustique, having had
an enjoyable night.
The wind was light for a change, 9 knots behind us
as we sailed over to Port Elizebeth in Bequia, where we gave back the Island
guide book
to Clieve and Alice Deasey
13.00 we sailed north from Bequia to St
Lucia,, a distance of approx 55miles to " Soufriere" or the
The wind was close on the nose most of the time, so
we motor / sailed to keep the average speed up..
19.00 we were moored under the Petit Piton, and had our dinner,
consisting of Scollips wrapped in bacon for starter and
Roast leg of Pork for main course plus roast potatoes and crackling
21.30 Not happy with our position and
especially as we were rolling badly, we slipped the moorings and motered to
" Marigot Bay"
a distance of approx 7 miles,
22.30 we moored in " Marogot Bay " and had a night
cap before going to bed in much more comfortable conditions.
lots of showers during the