" A LADY " Trip around the world ( presently in St Lucia, the Caribbean )

A Lady
Stephen Hyde
Wed 6 Jan 2010 23:19
2nd JANUARY 2010
08.00 Marigot Bay .St Lucia
All up out of bed, greeted by pissing rain, however
we wont complain as we dont see too much of this.
09.00 we all went ashore to stretch the legs
and get some fresh milk
10.00 We sailed out of Marigot Bay heading
for Rodney Bay.
11.30 we tied up to E 3 on the marina in
Rodney Bay and plugged into the marina services.
14.00 we collected the rent a car.
16.00 we , as in Stefan , Sarah, Paul&
the Skipper went to the local pizzeria and some super pizza's
19.00 The skipper took Aileen to Mass in the
2o.oo we had dinner ashore, as this was the
kids last night, and we met Siun and family while in the restaurant.and had a
night cap with them..
3rd January 2010
All out of bed and the winter visitor's got busy
packing their bags for the homeward trip later in the day
10.00 we had a call from kevin Dwyer to say
that his flight was going to be 4 hours late.
14.00 we all piled into the car and headed
off to the airport, about a 1.5 hour journey
15.30 arrieved at the airport and after lots of
hugs , goodbye's and all that stuff , we suddenly bumped into Donal Mc Clement ,
who had arrieved early..
So a little more chat before more goodbye's again
and off we went in the car heading for rodney bay.
Back at base, Donal settled into his cabin
and at 19.30 we went up to the Marina village and joined the party which was
being thrown by I.Y.G.
We met lots of people from all the different boats
taking part in the round the world rally,
including Chris Tibb's , the weather expert for the
Later we had dinner in the " Bosun" restaurant and
were joined by our final crew member " KEVIN" about 23'00hrs
Sooooo the base crew for the next
few month's are :- Stephen Hyde,
Hyde , Family ambassador
Donal McClement, Communications & contacts dept. plus, plus.
Kevin Dwyer , Photography and Media
We had a late night , needless to mention the
08.00 up, up suffering from major
and got ourselves together as we had " Alwyin
" comming to service the engine, the Generator and look at some other
things as well.
We also had " Philip Brown " an electrician
to service the WINLASS and also repair the port navigation light and
Thes items all took many, many hours to fix, in
fact they had to come back again the following day.
So , Donal and Kevin went to the " trip " briefing
( that's round the world trip ) in the local " palm Haven Hotel "
The breefing took 3 hours and the lads were blery
eyed by the time it was finished,
Aileen met by chance in a supermarket a woman we
met 10 years ago in Rodney Bay, since then she married a local called Martin
The woman called Ann was originally from Dublin, so
Ann and her whole family were invited to the boat for afternoon tea by
20.00 We all went to ther " Spinniker for our
dinner and another late night was had by all......
08.00 we jumped out of bed as " Alwin " and "
Philip " were comming early to finish off their work. ALWIN ( who was 38
today ) and dose not drink or smoke was having a bad day, While replacing the
top to the water filters on the " SEA FRESH " ( water maker or desalination
he accidently cut a hole in water supply pipe
and had to replace the whole lot, just as well , as he located another leak from
the Jacobs filter to
the tap in the galley sink..and fixed that
Its unusual to find locals in this neck of the
world who dont drink, smoke, or do drugs, and be punctual as well.
He was excellent at what he did, Well done
Alwin. ( by the way, Alwin and Philip are as black as the ace of
spades )
09'00 We had a Photo Shoot at the boat by the
World Cruising Club.
10.00 Kevin went to a " Saefty Seminar " at
the Palm Haven Hotel
10.00 Donal went off in the car to get
the provisions for the trip.
Skipper remained with Alwin
helping, or really trying to learn how to service the engine &
Meanwhile Philip is
strugling with the port nav. light. it seems the wires in the anchor
locker were all corroded and broken, so they had to be replaced all the way back
to the junction box under the WINDLASS , they had to take all the chain out
of the chain locker to get at the box
and then seal it all up again , once they got the
light working again, using a new product called " liquid tape" to seal the
wire joints.
ONLY TIME will tell wether this magic stuff works
or not..................
17.00 The skipper, Aileen, and Donal, went to
the " Palm Haven Hotel " for another Photo shoot , followed by a
Skippers Briefing,
19.00 The skipper's meeting was followed at
the hotel by a FINAL farewell PARTY....
Kevin joined us for the party and it was an
excellent affair, lots of entertainment and a super
steel band.
22'00 hrs We wandered back to the boat
via the marina bar where we bumped into Ann Marie O'Sullivan , remember we
mention Anny before
Her Father was from CORK,, and now she sails
a yacht called " GIRLS FOR SAIL "" and lives in London
Anyway we said our final fairwells , and off to an
earley night.