Sailing around the World

A Lady
Stephen Hyde
Thu 17 Feb 2011 11:24
WEDNESDAY  16th  February   2011
Another hot day in Brazil,
We continued with our house keeping,  following that Skipper went to the fishing shop
and purchased a few more lures, while strolled off down the street to another Basicalla,
and said a few prayers for us all , plus all the friends and relations, and their requests.
Later, Marcelo called and his merry men replaced the impellor in the main engine, and cleaned out the bilge,
however they broke a wire on the fuel filter when they were changing that, so skipper is insisting they remove it
and solder the wire back into place again.
Always the same, They fix one thing and screw up something else on the way, so a carefull eye has to be kept on them all.
It just seems to be part and parcell of boat maintainance.
We had lunch in a nearby restaurant, Cheep and Cheerfull, and good food to boot. 
we got a document at the door on the way in, and selected our food, then it was weighed and recorded on the document
and when we were finished , we had to pay with the document at the cash desk , and get a clearance slip to leave the premises.
All facinating stuff.
In the afternoon , we went shopping for some provisions at the far side of town, to a hyper market,  and it was excellent value,
they even had a very busy fresh meat counter, and acres of frozen food,
However, no backed beans, how about that, NO blooming baked beans, and we have only one tin left on board.  calamity !
On returning to the boat around 7.30pm, skipper got into the computer, We have not heard from Ann, Michelle, Leah, Ronan, Alfred,
Ingrid, Ita, Alan, Robbie, Terry, Rory, Marion,   and many others others for ages,
Could skipper have insulted them all, or is it just a coincidence, or is it as a result of too many dropped emails,
Aileen did an avacado and tuna dish for the tea, and it was just right for the spot.
Later, we watched 2 DVD's before retiring to the scratcher.
Thats all for today,
Signed :-   Stephen Hyde,   ( Skipper )