A Lady trip /Canaries

A Lady
Stephen Hyde
Wed 21 Oct 2009 09:46
MONDAY 19th October 2009
We had a lazy morning, mainly tidying up the boat, exploring the inside yet again and finding things we never thought were on the ship.
S .H . spent time refiling the oyster files , which had got rusty ov er time, ( still a few more of these to do.) .
Later in the day we went up to the centre of Playa Blanca, but most places were closed as it was monday.
We dined in a local marina restaurant on our way back to the boat, excellent meal and reasonably priced.
happy out, we retired out to " A Lady " which was at anchor in the bay.
TUESDAY 20 th October 2009
We spent most of the day on board, again cleaning the rib, attending to small issues, packing clothes, and doing the files,
Later we went through some on the tons of litrature sent to us regarding the " world arc " . Facinating stuff. this is going to be a great trip.
In the late afternoon, we went up to the centre again as S.H. needed a haircut, ( the hair was now so long, it would soon require platt's )
Outside the hairdressors, we started chatting to an Irish guy having coffee, one thing led to another and suddenly it dawned on us that we had
drinks with this guy last September near Caherciveen. He was with our friend Tommy long .............. Aileen, Stephen and Margaret How
were on the way into Caherciveen on " A Lady " to have dinner on board with Val and Audry Turnbull. when we met Tommy with two friends,
They were over by boat from Dingle to the funeral of some friend, and this guy Cox was one of them, Boy, did we we get pissed then.
What a small world
Back to " A Lady " for roast Pork and Crackling , some roast spuds, a few scoops for S.H. and Bobs your uncle.
An early night, but the sleep was poor, as the boat rolled all night, we decided we had enough of being anchored for the moment and
that we would certainly go on the marina tomorrow..