Sailing around the World ( presently in Hook Island , Whitsunday Islands, Australia, )

A Lady
Stephen Hyde
Sat 7 Aug 2010 23:32
Saturday  7th August   2010
You know something, Everywhere we go and each destination has its very own identifiable features,
Australia is certainly well known as having the best collection of the worlds most venomous creatures, but the " Jelly fish "
now these are something else, There is the well known " Box Jelly Fish" and a host of others, Tiny little beggers, but deadly,
They are so small that you can hardly see them, but one sting from these things , and you are history.. ohhhhhhh my gawd.
The net result is , NO SWIMMING, unless you are wearing an anti jelly fish suit. even though Mary and the skipper went for a dip a few
days ago. However, there are not so many of them around at this time of the year, as its winter,  Still , frightning stuff.
It was a very windy night last night, and we were happy enough to be on the Marina,
07.00hrs, Skipper did the emails and the bleedin blog,,,, As we said before, the blog is like being married or having dogs, you always have
to keep them in mind and they need attention every day. Still , it could be worse, we could be at home with nothing to say............
09.00hrs  Phil, the local Raymarine agent called to us at the request of Chris from Mackay,  He said he would take away the E120
and have a look at it in his workshop and let us know what the problem was..    ( Hope is eternal ) and would return on Monday
with his advice, He will also connect up the new SSB radio , which Chris brought up from Mackay, but did not fit it as it would not fit into the
space that the old one lived in. So,  Skipper and Niall said they would fit the thing in somehow and all Phil will have to do . is connect the wires.
In the meantime, Niall and Skipper fiddled with the old chart plotter in the Navigation station, and low and behold got it working,
so now , at least we have a chart plotter that works with a GPS. and ( as we said in an earlier blog )it can be used as a back up in the event of any more trouble with the expensive , latest technology , E120 feckin thing.  ( actually, the E120 is fantastic, it just got screwed up by Raymarine appionted technicians, )
The SSB,, would you believe, the new unit that Chris brought up from Mackay and did not install, only works in Australia, and needs
a new programme for anywhere beyond the Australian territorial waters,  Christ ! and he knows only full well that we are sailing around the world,
What an Idiot !  Everything seems to be 2 steps forward, and then 1 back.
Lets be positive,, Never a dull moment,
10.30hrs We all rambled up to the hotel and had a coffee, before returning to the boat and setting sail to Hook Island, about 14 miles away
to the east,,  The weather was beautifull, and we had a spanking breeze on the starboard beam,, 25 / 30 knots. and a fairly flat sea,
That beautifull torquise water and only a few whales to be seen,  Still we were sailing along with 2 reefs in, at 9 knots,, great sailing..
ane we were like a bunch of happy bunnies.
We passed an ARC " amel " heading north, obviously heading for Cairns,  It looks if we may not get there now, as time is running
out over the snags. We also met the Ruud's ashore,, they are from " Ronja " and are always pleasent company.
They are not going any further, when they have sailed the WhitSundays, they intend to take their boat to Sidney and have her shipped home to
Norway, while they do a bit of touring of Australia, before returning home at the end of the year. 
14.30  We picked up a public mooring in Stonehaven Bay on Hook Island.  There was no way that the mooring line was ever going to break,
it was at least 4" thick, which made it difficult to attach to the boat, but we were secure. and especially as the notes in the book says
" do not peg anything onto the side of the boat, as the wind whips down so hard from the mountains,it sucks all loose items overboard "
including cushions, sunglasses, books, etc.........
We all took naps for a while, even though it was chilly,
16.00hrs,  Skipper, set about installing the SSB radio,, this entailed a lot of timber surgery, but after 2 hours , it was securly bolted in place.
It took all the skippers architectural skill to figure out how to get it into the space. but succeeded eventually.
We so love boats,
Niall did the dinner,  An Indian Fish dish with rice and chicken for Aileen,
When he was finished cooking, he went on and on about the whole thing, You would think he had just cooked dinner for
the " Taj Mahal ", but thats thats our Niall,   Its probably the legal background.
However, it was all wonderfull food,
Later, we watched " Andrew LLoyd Webber " in Beijing.. A  DVD  of a live performance in the " Great Hall of the People "
A fantastic show,, and we thoroughly enjoyed the performance.
It was a really starrey night, with all those millions of dancing stars winking at us down below on our lovely " A Lady "
Boy, it was cold,,  ohhhh  my,,  it was really chilly.
So eventually, after a dry night ( Water night only ) we hit the scratchers,
Thats it for now.
Signed :-   Stephen Hyde,  ( skipper )