" A LADY TRIP " Sailing around the World, ( presently in " Fatu Hiva " the Marquesses Islands , South Pacific,)

A Lady
Stephen Hyde
Tue 30 Mar 2010 19:00
MONDAY 29th MARCH 2010
06.30hrs The skipper was first to appear on
shortly after we got going on the computer, sending
and recieving emails, ( early morning post )
By the way, there is no time adjustments for summer
/ winter down here, so now we are just -8.5 hrs to Ireland and the
Skipper spoke to son Paul back home on the sat
phone, He is still very upset over the death of his friend " Dave O 'Flynn
Dave died from an Astma attack while on a buisness
trip to Hong Kong, R. I. P.
Still lots of sad news from
home, " Murray O' Leary " , Architects seem to be in trouble, and
also " Howard Holdings "
Leah keeps saying that 2012 is too early to come
home, maybe she is right................
09.30hrs, We hauled the 2 anchors, this took
some time as the stern anchor had wrapped around another anchor
We untied ourselves from " Dreamcatcher" and Aileen
held the boat inside the harbour while Donal and Skipper lifted the rib out
of the water, not easy with only one derick
working, but we managed, Donal did most of the hauling while
the skipper did the puffing and the panting.
10.30hrs We had everything all shipshape so
headed out to sea on a S.E. course to " Fatu Hiva " a small Island just
about 45 miles away.
the wind was Easterly , blowing 18 / 24 knots,
so we put 1 reef in the main, and just used the Staysail, along with a helping
hand from the
engine, so we averaged around 7.5
Beautifull sailing conditions , and also sailing in
that beautifull deep blue water again,, magic, pure
1400.hrs A light lunch of the lovely cold
belly pork , served up by Donal, ( sometimes he proves very usefull, he really
does, really, despite his size )
A few naps later and we are almost at our
destination, Oh my God, ! the view is spectacular. The
sheer rock formation and vegitation, is
something to behold. not to mention the light and
shade on the mountains, Sooooooo lovely
The flying fish around here are huge, the size of
Mackeral, and plenty of them around. popping out of the sea and skimming across
the surface
for approx 200m at an amazing speed before popping
back into the water again. ( they must think that " A LADY " is a big
predator )
17.00hrs We dropped anchor in the " Bay of Virgins
" just outside the village of Hanavave,
Skipper went for a swim, while Aileen and Donal
went ashore to survey the scene,
18.30 hrs we were joined on board by Dave and Sue
from " Voyageur" for a G & T , and stayed for the
Lasagne dinner ,
This was prepared by the Skipper, and included
Carrotts, and Mash, ( I think the standards are slipping
The carrots are grown locally and are just
An early night after a great and interesting
Signed Stephen Hyde,
( skipper )