Sailing around the World, ( presently in Mackay, Australia, )

A Lady
Stephen Hyde
Tue 27 Jul 2010 00:03
JULY 2010
01.30hrs, " Scotty" left the marina
by taxi and headed to the train station and caught the train to Cairn's,
where he will be joined be "Itti Ollie"
later in the week, Later he said the train was not
a nice trip, and the train itself was dirty and smelly.
Skipper was crashed out in bed at this stage, but
did say his good bye earlier .
Scotty, was good company and very handy on the
boat, he was also popular with the people on
the trip.
But all good things have to come to an end, and he
has to go home to finish his building project.
07.30hrs Skipper jumped out of the bunk as
there was a lot going on today. The mechanic , Mark, was to return and work on
the generator,
Chris , the electrician and electronic guy, was
also to return along with the guys from Airley Beach, who were to look at
the output from the
08.30hrs, Aileen took off in the bus to town, while
skipper had a chat with some of the other Irish skippers on the trip, 3 others
in total,
and all from up north, Donegal and Derry, Its great
to see that the Irish can still get onto the boats around the
12.00hrs, progress is being made all round,
Mark feels he has identified the problem with the generator and expects the
parts to arrive
tomorrow to repair the problem.and guess what, its
electronic, the blooming govenor,,
The mechanic from Nautisport in Tahiti, insisted it
was mechanical and not electrical and he would not be able to fix it.. As the
saying goes,
" Doctors differ and patient die " and our
generator nearly died as a result....
While we are on the subject of Nautisport ( Tahiti
), Chris confirmed that in fact they did damage the hardware on our
E120 sieries while repairing
the chart plotter in
Tahiti, and this resulted in the loss of our radar. you
may or may not remember how insulting the boss of Nautisport became when
we suggested they f** up..
Anyway, " Chris " has got our radar back and
running properly,, yipeeee, one more thing off the list.
We ordered the LED lights for the inside of the
boat, and it seems they will arrive on thursday before we leave,
The watermaker guys rang to say their man was sick,
so they would not be here today. Thats boats.............
12.00hrs skipper hired a taxi and took "
Scottys" plastic coffin , loaded with all his loose belongings and his
timber sculpture, to the
post office in Mackay and sent it off to
scotland. whew, what a job, and especially when they wanted a list of what
was in the box ?
Ahh , sure, we just made up a list , as we hadent a
clue of what was in the thing.
15.00 hrs, We decided to replace the cable on
the backstay for the SSB, This radio has not really worked for us at any stage,
so we will be real happy if it can be sorted. so we will
We also need to get our AIS up and running again,
At the moment, it just recieves, but does not transmit,
Yesterday, we spoke to our friends, Johnny and Mary
from Mallow, who are at present in France having a break, gosh, we havent
in touch for ages,and its great to be
in chatting again..........................
We had lorry loads of emails over the weekend, and
thats great, we love to hear from everybody, That reminds me, " Fats " must be
nearly home
at this stage,, and then there's our I.T
man, Arnaud, who did a great job in looking after our rib for the summer back in
We had a long chat with our daughter " Sarah", poor
Sarah is dogged out from minding her brothers dog, but otherwise in great
17.30hrs, We went to " Ocean Jasper " for
drinks, a few G & T's and we were all flying again,
Later we went to Angelino's for dinner, not
as good as the " Starlight Restaurant" but we survived another
Later still, the skipper brought the blogs up to
date before hitting the scratcher.
Well, that it for today.
Signed :- Stephen
Hyde ( Skipper )
PS, By the way, It seems that we won the overall
prize for the 1150 mile leg from Port Vila, Vanuatu, to
Mackay,, brilliant