Sailing around the World. ( presently in Bali )

A Lady
Stephen Hyde
Sun 12 Sep 2010 01:32
As Skipper had a late night on Voyageur last night,
there was no mad rush to get going early today.
Neil took off with Oisin and the other younger
people to the Island of Lombok by ferry, The island is about 10 miles away
to the east.
Susanne called and we recieved more paperwork to
fill in. but that onkly took a few minutes.
Aileen did a clothes wash and then vanished into
Sanur to have a pedigree and get the hair done.
meanwhile, Skipper and Terry changed the filters in
on the water making unit, and cleaned up the bilges under the engine and
These are the kind of things one keeps putting off
untill tomorrow. now they are finished.
another thing off the list.
News for us, :- Terry casually
mentions in passing that Ireland won the " Commodore's Cup " this year for the
first time ever,
God ! thats great news, Ireland have been trying
hard for a long time to get hold of this trophy, and now they have done the
And also, the team were all R.C.Y.C.
* "Antix " sailed by Anthony
O Leary
* " Mariners Cove " sailed by Dave
* " Roxy " sailed by Andrew
Well done lads..
Later, Skipper and Terry got a taxi to Lakuta, Its
the main tourist area of Bali and full of shops and has a big shopping
Its Aileens birthday next Tuesday, so we had to do
some shopping in advance, as we will be at sea next Tuesday on our
way to the Coco's Islands, a distance of 1110 miles
We are still impressed with the modest prices of
everything around here. and enjoyed the hour or so we spent there.
Meanwhile, its Ramadam Day in Indonesia, so for
some reason , Bali is crowded, particularly Lakuta and by the time we
the traffic had come to a virtual stand
still, This looks bad for us getting back to the marina,
However, the ploice to the rescue, They
stopped all the traffic, got hold of a taxi for us and off we went down back
streets and laneways
and made a great quick return to the marina.
otherwise it could have taken 3 hours or so.
We had a quick shower, turned on the a/c , met
Aileen who looked like " Cindy Doll " after having the hair done, and walked up
the Yacht club for the prize giving dinner in
respect of the leg from Darwin to Bali.
THE DINNER . It all started
with some wonderfull dancing by these beautifull Bali girls and accompanied by
their traditional
music, This was followed by free drinks, and a
buffet dinner, great oriental type food. and all very enjoyable,
We had Jochem , yutta, and daughter Eileen from
Chessie sitting at the table with us, They are German and great
Eileen is attending college in Perth , so is
spending some quality time with the parents before returning to
Rally control varied the prizes, and basically did
a great job including a gift for Stephen on " Skylark" who is leaving the fleet
and returning with
his boat to Malysia, when he lives.
mind you, Stephen collected a prize for ther leg as well.
Then , this Stephen , collected first prize in our
class for the leg and we were happy with this.
" Arriane " got the line honours prize, even
though the left Darwin a day early, and it was a great and popular
We had great and late night,
Thats all for now,
Signed :- Stephen
Hyde ( Skipper )