" A LADY TRIP " Sailing around the World, (presently at sea)

A Lady
Stephen Hyde
Wed 10 Mar 2010 23:35
TUESDAY 9th MARCH    2010        Day 2
04.30hrsThe Skipper is lying along the cockpit seat with his back to the hatch, watching the sea rush past and the phospherous
sparkling in the night.the ensign fluttering over the covered up rib, which looks like a small whale hanging
off the transome, All just wonderfull stuff
The sky is a very pale blue as it begins a new dawn with the stars flickering like silver pinheads
keeping the waining Moon company up there.
It strikes the skipper that big and all " A  Lady" is , she seems very small and low in the water out here ,
where as she looks positivly BIG on the marina in Crosser,  However this is wonderfull sailing, 19knots of wind and doing 9.2 knots SOG
Its a long way from the lovely old leaking gaff rigged boats we were brought up in. I remember being  tied up to the pier in Cobh listening to the Cathedral bells ringingevery 15 minutes . We had dropped Marlyn and the Gibson twins off in Monkstown and hadent enough wind to get back to crosser, so wound up having a musical evening in Cobh.
12.00 Fats did the radio check, ie, check in our position and wind conditions, and recieve everyone else's positions,
We seem to have more wind than anyone else, but we went much further south too., Anyway thats good for us.
Fats, remember, was a Helicopter navigator and radio officer with the R A F back in the good old days,
Pity he cant get our radios to work properly, 
13.30 Aileen did a light lunch , while the rest cleaned the decks and cockpit.
16,30hrs The wind has eased back , but the sky to the west does not look good, meanwhile Fats is crashed out for his mid afternoon nap.
The black sky ahead reminds the skipper of a trip he did with Joe Hawes a long time ago,
We were sailing his little 22' boat from the south coast of England back to cork, ( grab this, we had no charts, but the wind was SE
and the weather nice and settled) so we set off on a friday night, full of the joys of life and Gin,
Saturday night, a little over half way, we spotted this big black cloud in the distance and before we knew waht, it was right over head.
The rain came down like Niagra Falls and the lightning was really scarey, It rained lightning down on us two Ejits. in this tiny yoke.
When I informed Joe that when we got hit by the lightning, then we would just melt into the sea,
His trousers went a funny brown colour, with myself in the same boat,  we shat ourselves into reality and started to pray out loud,
so God could hear us over the noise of the thunder, Then all of a sudden, the cloud passed away, like if it just died.  WOW
Now are we looking at the same thing comming up here! we will have to wait and see  ,
18.00hrs Fats cooked dinner, just fillet steak with rice and a few bits,
meanwhile the Skipper finished the book " Mc Carthy's Bar"  a marvoulas read,
The night watches :- Fats..........21.00hrs     to    oo.oohrs
                             Aileen.........00.00hrs    to 03.oohrs
                             Stephen......03.00hrs    to    06.00hrs
The wind was consistantly blowing at 22knots and gusting 25, great sailing.
Signed :-  Stephen Hyde,     ( Skipper )