" A LADY TRIP " Sailing around the World, ( presently 180 miles east of the Galapagos )

A Lady
Stephen Hyde
Sun 21 Feb 2010 12:22
SATURDAY 29th February 2010
00.00hrs to 04.00hrs Stephen and Aileen
on watch, we had a few birds trying to land on the stern of the boat, they
like " Egrettes" but very difficult to know in the
04.00hrs to 08.00hrs Fats on watch, The wind
was still only 10 knots so we kept motor sailing,
07.00hrs, The Skipper joined " Fat's" on deck and
the whole scene looks great as dawn has broken , We could predict a very nice
ahead of for a change, However in the
meantime skip is rubbing antihistimine cream into the bites he got through the
night from those little
feckers still on board somewhere, and most likely
in the Master Cabin.
God, We really have nothing good to say about our
trip to Equador ( except the Equator Musuem and " Quito") and particularly the
port we were based,
We are so glad to be out of there, but they have
the last laugh by sending these little terrorists along on " A LADY " to
keep us company
and remind us of the bloody place.
08.30. Ahoy there, " WHALE'S " on the port bow
! and sure enough, about 8 sperm whales just a couple of 100m of the
They seemed to be resting on the surface at this
time, and that seems to coincide with the fact that they eat a lot of squid and
who come up from the depts of the sea at night to
feed, except they become fodder for the Whales, so these lovely serene
have been feeding all night and are now taking a
well earned break.
There were also lots of Dolphins around the area as
well, possibly feeding off the left overs from the whales,
10.00hrs, and we are still motor sailing along as
the wind is still light, but it is a smashing day, blue skies, light breeze,
flat seas, sunny and warm.
just what the doctor ordered, and feck the
We still have " Crazy Horse" as a neighbour, they
are obviously motor sailing as well.
12.00hrs, and Kevin is obviously feeling much
better today as he he is glued into that friggin laptop again.
It has almost become part of him, like an extension
to his fingers.
Mind you the alternative is reading, sleeping, and
in some cases that means SNORING zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
We have skipped the fishing for a while as we have
enough fish to do for some time to come.
Eating is also one of the alternatives, so we had
for lunch :- cold potatoe salad, which included cold spuds mixed with lettuce,
onions, time , celery,
salt and mayo, also on the plate , for the food
lovers, was white asperagus, tomatoes ( nicely decorated) cold chicken,
cucumber, and finally cheese,
What else would you be doing..............except
reading , sleeping, sunbathing, picking your whatever.!!!
The afternoon was just chill out time, so nothing
much to report, or even make up.
We are now - 6 hrs to Ireland,
18.00hrs, DINNER :-
Today dinner by the Skipper was , Roast leg of
Lamb, garnished with Garlic, salt, Olive oil, Bay leaves,
Also included, roast spuds, creamed potatoes, carrots, and gravy, plus roast
large white onions,
We will have to go back to calling the trip "
Eating our way around the World "
By the way, The Skip got back to reading his book "
Mc Carthy's Bar " ohhh its so friggin funney that he spends a lot of time
laughing to himself.
And then we had an email from Rom about gladys and
the tablets, So funny, the whole crew is still laughing,
21.00hrs, Now we are well into darkness, we had a
long discussion about technacalities,
As we were motor sailing, should we have on our
" tricolour ", mast head light or the " steaming " light...?
Are we .. Sailing with the engine running, or are
we motering with the sails up. ???? Interesting
Watches :- 21.00hrs to
01.00hrs t0 05.00hrs, ........kevin
05.00hrs to 09.00hrs ..........Stephen and Aileen
Thats it for today,
Signed, Stephen Hyde ( skipper