Sailing around the World, ( presently at Sea )

A Lady
Stephen Hyde
Fri 8 Oct 2010 07:26
THURSDAY   7th OCTOBER   2010      ( Day 11 at Sea )
Destination :-  Mauritius distance from Coco's Islands to Mauritius......................... 2,313 miles
                                                       distance remaining ...................................................................419 miles
                                                       weather                ...................................................................good, Sun, clear skies, and 16 / 20  knot breeze
We had a great night sailing, white sails only , on a broad port reach , so we all got a good nights sleep.
we passed just one ship , ans she was 12 miles away at the nearest point.
09.00hrs  Radio Call :-  This was conducted by " Drammer " again . they have a very good radio system on board,
We are still making ground on the whole fleet, We know that the official leg ( and race ) was abandoned by W. ARC, but we are pushing
our lovely " Oyster 56 " hard in an effort to catch up with some of the boats that left 2 days early, 
So far, we have passed most boats in the fleet, and out of the 20 boats sailing this leg, there are only 4 boats now in front of us,
We may pass at least 1 more, and with a bit of carefull sailing, might pass one more,
It is unlikely that we will catch up with " Tucanon "  or " Crazy Horse "  but we will finish within a few hours of them reaching Mauritius,
and that will be good enough for us,
All this keeps us focused, and therefore well occupied day and night.  ( In between naps, reading, and food which is always the main event of the day.)
We covered 190 n miles in the last 24 hrs, which is ok.
10.00hrs,  We hoisted the " Bag of fear " again and just took off across a beautifull deep blue sea towards Mauritius, and the sea was flat,
( well by comparison to other days )
Shortly after this, the instruments alarms started ringing, cripes ! whats all this , suddenly oll the waypoints on the computers vanished , along with a lot of information regarding distances, currents, drifts, etc.
However we are getting used to these unxpected events , so we set about resetting everything and within 15 minutes , we were all set again....
BLOG  :-   A few months ago, according to Mailasail, statistics showed our blog in 4th place in terms of readership,
Skipper worked hard at increasing the readership, and today , we have moved up to 2 nd place and just behind " Vulcanspirit " and we
 appear to have the most diverse readership of all blogs,
Well done to all our readers, and with a little more from you and your families, kids, aunts and uncles, grannies , friends, work mates,
college students, lecturers, doctors, nurses, etc.  We will make it to No 1 position before the end of the year.
So, give them the Blog address......
It also seems that a large number of the readers are non sailors, and follow us every day around the globe, and enjoy almost living with us,
In the afternoon, we passed " Rodrigues Island,"  which is part of the Mauritius group ,  One interesting here is in 1977 the locals found
a 12m yacht drifting off the coast of their Island,   The Polish built " Admiral Nevelskoi " had been abandoned 3 years earlier off the coast of Australia,
The owner and skipper decided to abandon the yacht after he lost his rudder and then the mast, decided to make a raft and took off , leaving
the damaged , but floating yacht to the mercy of the sea,
Leonid Lysenko, was lucky to be picked up by a ship after drifting for 25 days, and yet the boat survived another 4,000 miles and 3 years at sea.
Now, the moral of this storey is  :-   never leave your ship, untill it is slipping under the waves,  Always step UP into your life raft....
Now , Prayer is a powerfull thing, but there is a storey going about this guy at sea in his boat and he runs straight into
a tropical storm, In danger of sinking , he prays to God,  "  Oh God, this is your friend in need, I know I have not been in touch
with you for years, but, BUT, please get me out of this fix , and I promise I wont bother you again for another few years, "
I wonder if he was Polish !
Mind you, this would apply to many of us all , eaten bread is soon forgotten.
18.00hrs   Distance to destination..............................346 miles ( we covered 188 miles since 18.00hrs yesterday )
Dinner was roast turkey leg and rolled stuffed Chicken, with pasta and carrots,   all very good,
We spent ages plotting and discussing the merrits of leaving the " Bag of Fear " flying for the night,
And we left it up for the night and had a great nights sail
Thats all for now,
Signed :-     Stephen Hyde   ( Skipper )