" A LADY TRIP " Sailing around the World and avoiding the shite at home, ( presently, sailing from Islas Perlos, Panama, to Salinas , Equidor)

A Lady
Stephen Hyde
Mon 8 Feb 2010 07:22
SUNDAY  7th February 2010    (  Rom's Birthday)
06.40hrs  We all got up bright and early, It was a cloudy morning with light northerly winds,
                We had a light breakfast,some had showers and the others continued to smell sweetly,
07.30hrs, We started the engine and left it run for a while to heat up and get all systems ready for departure.
07.40 hrs We raised the anchor and motored south towards the equator and Equidor, Total distance of about 620 miles plus.
10,30hrs  The weather cleared up and the sun shone brightly in the sky, boy, it got hot .with the temperature around 33 degrees
               and the wind shifted to S.W   ( about 6 knots ) so we had to keep motering,
               However we have nearly 1000 Litres of fuel on board ( almost one ton) and should be enough to take us 900 miles
               under engine if we stay below 2000 rev's with the engine.
11.30hrs The Skipper cleaned out the fridge, this usually takes an hour or so, the rest of the crew , meanwhile did some sunbathing and book reading.
12.30hrs The skipper , ( full of go) set about installing the new valves in the watermaker , which were sent out by " Oyster Marine"
              following the " Las Palmas " inspection of the Boat, this took about 3 hours and he was delighted with himself, Meanwhile " Fats " made
              a lovely lunch with the left over Pork from friday night , plus some " Tuna " spread on cream crackers.  did the job.
Meanwhile, we are still having some trouble with the radio equipment,  We can recieve very clearly on both S.S.B. and V.H.F. but sending messages
out does not seem to work, unless the recieving boat is very close, close being within 5 miles. We will have to get this looked at in Equidor.
Bloody hell, there's always something,
16.00hrs The Skipper with Kevin set about moving the computer equipment around, Up to now, the " Apple box" was located in the chart table
              ( as requested by the skipper when it was being installed ) but in this location the damn thing overheated and used to go into " freeze out"
              mode, which ment that the whole system would have to be shut down and left cool off,,
              So we moved it onto a side panal, just under the radio on the starboard side of the Saloon. We had to do some drilling and some sawing
              and lots of sweating to get the job done, ( it gets hot inside the boat, even with all the windows open )
              Eventually , we finished the operation and gosh ! it all worked perfectly..  
20.00hrs Dinner by " Fat's" consisted of a stew, and was welcome, Remember " Fats had his usual 2 to 3 hour kip ( nap) while S. and K were fiddeling
             with the computer and Aileen kept watch on deck.
21.00 hrs, Fats and Aileen did watch :-   21.00hrs  to 01.00hrs
                Stephen.............................. 01.oohrs  to 05.00hrs
                Kevin.................................. 05.00hrs  to 09.00hrs
Thats it for today
Stephen Hyde.   Skipper