" A LADY TRIP " Sailing around the World, ( Equador)

A Lady
Stephen Hyde
Mon 15 Feb 2010 15:32
Sunday 14th February 2010 ( Valantines
07.00hrs An early start again, and a cloudy
08.00hrs On the bus again, adifferent bus today, A
1hour trip to the forest for a 1 1/2 hour hike through the rain forest,
or rather thats what they said,
10.30 hrs We arrive at our destination, walking
boots and all, and set off up through the hills,
13.30 hrs We arrieve at the waterfall, the
apex of the wald. all covered in mud.
Some poeple ment for a refreshing swim in the pond at the base of the waterfall,
and we all took a rest ,
On the way back , The skipper asked one of the
Guides to show him some monkies,
After a short trip through beautifull Forest paths,
He pointed to a monkey high up in the trees, asleep,
Having admired this lovely furry longtailed monkey
for a while, the Guide decided to get him to move by banging on the tree with a
big stick,
Sure enough , the little monkey ran higher up the
tree, looked down at the two of us below and decided to get his own
Yes , HE PISSED DOWN on top of
us, What could we do only laugh, he was too high to throw something
Anyway, that was the highlight of the
The hike took almost 5 hours, and the track was
more like a west cork country laneway, except churned up by horses and
and real liquid muck. Poor " Christos " the Greek
doctor ( 72 years old) and living in Germany, nearly had to be
The journey in the heat was just too
18.00hrs We had the lunch we were supposed to have
at 14.00hrs, and it was in a lovely old rickitty building by the
on our way home.
The traffic jams on the way were nothing like we
ever witnessed before, This is a result of a 4 day national
The 2 way highway was more like a 4 lane one way
road, everyone ( including our driver ) driving and passing out on any side that
pleased them.
22.00 hrs We eventually arrieved back at
base. Exhausted after a very different kind of day,
Jessica joined us on " A LADY " for a glass
of wine as her husband was stuck in traffic and would take at least an hour to
collect her.
we watched some of our trip Photo's and got her to
sign the Visitors book.
Bunks zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Signed :- Stephen Hyde,