Pix 20 August 2100 hrs

Steve Coughlan
Sat 20 Aug 2016 20:00

20 August 1200hrs – Depart Gozo and motored short distance over to the blue lagoon on Comino island. Mayhem with boats and people crowding the immediate area and water, we approached from our anchorage in the dinghy and I dropped Helen and Tony off near the lagoon whilst I stayed on board watching the hundreds of people and dozens of boats jockeying for position. . At 1400hrs we departed the blue lagoon rounded the north west corner of Malta and set sail for a light run down the south west coast before motoring around the south east corner to finally weigh anchor at 1700hrs in Il-Hofra Z-Zghira bay, South East Malta. Nice bay, went for a swim and had dinner on boat.



View of Blue Logoon from Westralia



Like a swarm of ants on the rocks and in the water



Back on board we depart the Blue Lagoon



Pleasant sail down the south coast of Malta






Approaching South East corner of Malta




Il-Hofra Z-Zghira bay, South East Malta. Dinner on boat, glass of wine, watching the stairway of heaven lay down before us.