Pix Jun-25 2000hrs 40:49.8N 14:15.1E Santa Lucia
Steve Coughlan
Sat 25 Jun 2016 19:00
Run from Capri we had light following winds, so we poled out the genoa and jib and motor sailed. Berthed at marina Santa Luchia, port surrounded by good restaurants and close to Naples. Matt arrived via Enrico's taxi at 2345hrs. Following day Marlene, Mark, Catherine and Jack departed Catherine, Jack and I depart for a circumference of Capri in the dinghy previous day Walk through garage for boat toys on Ace, Piccolo previous day Preparing to go stern too, Santa Lucia, Naples Short walk to the restaraunts! Farewell to Marlene and Mark. Good hands and very happy to see Mark depart more healthy than when he arrived June 9 |