Pix June 14. 41:07.872N 12:55.213E

In th morning we set off into the old town of Nuttemo to have a look at Fort Frangella, on the way checking out the local church. The plan was to return to the marina and depart for the Pontine Islands at 11am. As we were about to cast off the Guardia Finanza came on board to check the ship’s papers, passports, insurance documents etc. In addition they went through
the interior on the boat looking for weapons, contraband etc. Very thorough. All good and they provided a copy of the check to present should we picked up again in Italian waters. It meant however not leaving until 1:30pm. Winds are very favourable and we a heading on a course direct for 40nm to the island of Ponza. Broad rech in 15 to 20 kn winds, SOG of plus 9 knots. Great sail. Pix of Nuttemo marina, the town, church and Fort Frangella |