Wednesday 15 May

Steve Coughlan
Wed 15 May 2024 08:00

Matt, John and I headed to the boat for final works on the hard before the boat lift at 11am. We winched the sail bags onto the foredeck in preparation for hoisting them after the boat was launched. The launched went smoothly. Volvo engine warning alert indicating a systems error and also starboard helm engine control would not work, so used the port control. Also a couple of electrical faults, inmast furler and 170 (navigation instrumentation) would not power up.


We motored out of the marina and dropped the anchor and then set to hoisting all the sails. This went smoothly. Thereafter we motored over, laid the anchor and reversed into tie off on the town key. Ran up the genset as there was no position available on the shore power pillar. I then got to with the WD40 and contact spray cans and went over all the wiring contacts. All electrical connections resolved. I then partly disassembled the starboard Volvo engine control, gave the internals a dose of WD40 and contact spray, reassembled the control and it returned to normal function. Later in the day we secured at shore power connection.


A boat in a yard

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A boat on the shore

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Boat lift


A boat docked in a harbor

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A display case with meat in it

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                    Big protein night!

A white boat with a black background

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Tied up at Preveza town key

Steve Coughlan
Executive Chairman

Level 2 Bravo Building
1 George Wiencke Drive
Perth Airport WA 6105, Australia
P+61 8 9270 1000  M+61 418 935 451