23 August 1200hrs Depart Hydra

Steve Coughlan
Tue 23 Aug 2022 12:00
Light rain and minor thunderstorm got me up early (I have been sleeping outside on the blowup mattress on the stern deck in the fresh air nearly the whole trip). No issues, weather cleared in about an hour.
We took the dinghy into Mandraki Beach, surrounded by eucalyptus on the west side, so Tommy could have a paddle. Returned to Westralia, Mark swam the stern rope and we weighed anchor and made our way, motor sail in light winds.


Gum trees on Mandraki Beach, Hydra



Pebble Beach, Mandraki
Steve Coughlan
Executive Chairman

Level 1 Bravo Building
1 George Wiencke Drive
Perth Airport WA 6105, Australia
P+61 8 9270 1000  M+61 418 935 451