Ayios Yeoryiou (Agios Georgis) 24-Jun-19 1600hrs 39.43.025N 19:39.959E

Steve Coughlan
Mon 24 Jun 2019 16:00

24-Jun-19           1100hrs

Depart Gouvia marina. Headed north up the east coast into northerly winds upto 25Knts. Ending up tacking, double reefed, to make the trip more comfortable. When we rounded the north east corner of Corfu the winds came around to good reaching conditions and with the genoa and main out we reached  plus 9knts and eventually headed south along the east coast at 9kns, with just genoa out.

24-Jun-19           1600hrs

Anchored in  the wide sandy bay of Ayios Yeoryiou (Agios Georgis). Good holding sand in 17knt wind. Went for a long swim. We observed a lone rower in a small dinghy battling his way across the bay and took the dinghy over to see if he needed assistance. A mad hatter type said he was fine and later on he returned across the bay to the beach. Took the dinghy ashore for dinner at beachside taverna. During dinner the wind dropped off for a very comfortable anchorage overnight.

Arriving at Ayios Yeoryiou




At anchor


Dinghy to shore



Local Taverna overlooking bay