Pix 10-Aug-17 1530hrs 43:04.013N 16:12.142E

Steve Coughlan
Thu 10 Aug 2017 14:30

1130hrs: Flat battery in car meant Jack and Catherine had to push start it. We made our way to Milna and the boat and departed for Vis.


1530hrs: Anchored at Viska Luka, tied of astern to tree ashore. Good motor sail in 15kn close hauled conditions. Lucy did well but I kept boat flat as possible.


Went for swim, took Jude ashore in dinghy and she went for a walk. Took dinghy to town and returned with some beer. Jude arrived back about 1700hrs after organising booking for restaurant. We took dinghy to restaurant with Lucy, very carefully. She did very well. Very good restaurant.



Departing Villa Roza for Milna



Organising boat prior to sailing to Vis



Good motor sail, keeping boat flat




Approaching anchorage at Vis. Jack swam the stern ropes and tied off to a tree ashore



Lucy dressed to go to to restaurant via dinghy



Lucy did not last the night out, no surprise there!



Very good Vis restaurant.