Argostoli 20-Jul-19 1145hrs 38:10.279N 20:29.379E
20-Jul-19 0730hrs Depart Ay Nikolaos. 20-Jul-19 1145hrs 38:10.279N 20:29.379E Anchored at Argostoli. It took Tony and I a couple of attempts to set the anchor before securing stern to the town quay. Whilst we were preparing the passarel Catherine Costello arrived on the quay. We had a coffee, OJ and salad at the
Compass café before organising Catherine on the boat. Catherine and I went shopping at the supermarket whilst Tony prepared for his departure. After a g&t and then an Aperol Spritz ashore, Tony departed for the airport. Having my very good friend on board
for several weeks was a great experience and I will miss having him aboard. Catherine and I had dinner at the plateless restaurant before stopping in to listen to the piano player for an hour. Dawn at Ay Nikolas Tony, great companion and crew. |