Pix 23rd August

Steve Coughlan
Tue 23 Aug 2016 16:00

0830hrs – Depart Marina Marmoreo, Siracusa. Very difficult night with up to 20knts on the port beam. Port bow mooring line snapped about 1am.  I jury rigged a rope to another mooring line a couple of berths up on the port side to lighten load on the sb bow mooring line, which was now under considerable load. In addition the length of the boat and the close position of the bow mooring line chain meant the stern was perilously close to the pontoon, so I started the motor and place the boat in gear to pull away and tension up the stern lines.


I got zero sleep and when Joe and Tony got up we organised to move off asap. We departed about 0830hrs. Now motor sailing, plus 9knots sog.


1430hrs – Berthed at Porto Dell Etna, Riposto. Good motor sailing conditions 70% of the way, with the wind first  swinging around on the nose and then dropping. We did go through a rain squall which was a little uncomfortable so we put on the wet weather gear.



Joe at the helm in wet weather gear for the rain



Hels put in a big day at sea





The Maltese Falcon, a technical marvel






Wedding in progress just near where we were having a drink





Coincidently it was Helen and Tony’s 47th wedding anniversary, duly celebrated at a Riposto resturaunt with local excellent wine and fish