Ay Eufemia, Kefelonia 14-Jul-19 1110hrs 38:03.925N 20:45.262E

Steve Coughlan
Sun 14 Jul 2019 11:10

14-Jul-19            0700hrs

Departed Kato Katelios.

14-Jul-19            1110hrs

Anchored at Ay Eufemia, Kefelonia. After a short sail around the SE corner of Kefelonia, we headed into NW winds under motor sail. Winds strengthened to +20knts as we headed up the east coast. Went ashore in the dinghy for lunch. Strong winds all day at anchor. In the evening went ashore to a restaurant that had live Greek music. Three guys playing mandolin, guitar and piano accordion. Very good, with a crowd getting up later in the evening to perform Greek dancing.


Windy Ay Eufemia