Pix 21 June Capri #2
#2 June 19
Berthed at Porto Sabia, near Naples. Spent remainder of day in marina, catching up on washing, Andrew prepared for departure. Drinks and dinner at bar at marina. Bucketed down rain for several hours. June 20 Continued clean up. Boat had a great wash from torrential rain previous day. Sue and Sam Davies arrived at 1pm to pick up Andrew and we wished them all the best as they departed.
Mark and I biked into Pompeii and picked up a bilge switch plus did some shopping. Mark caught a taxi at 5pm to pick up Marlene from the airport, arriving at the boat at 8pm. As always Andrew was great company, full of enthusiasm and a lot of fun. June 21 After a ride to the Pompeii Auchan supermarket for some supplies we departed Porto Di Stabia 1115 hrs for Capri. Under motor, light winds on the nose. We reached Capri at 1310hrs
and decided to motor around the Island before settling on a location to anchor or berth. Motored around to southern side of Capri to Marina Piccolo, opposite side of island to marina Grande, and anchored for lunch. Lots of boats here with resort and restaurants
onshore. At 1600hrs we motored around to Marina Grande, after lunch on board, but decided at Euro270 per night for a berth we would anchor. Conditions unfavourable near Marian Grande so we returned to southern side of Capri to anchor overnight, due to forecast
north to nor'west to westerly winds. Laid anchor at 1830 hours and later went ashore to the restaurant at the Weber hotel. Capri is a spectacular island. Cliff sided in most areas, well covered vegetation with houses built in seemingly impossible locations on cliff tops and very steep terrain. Many fine craft
on water. Marina Piccolo House on the cliff face Famous arches at Il Faraglioni near Piccolo marina Beautifully maintained old boat Talitha Not sure how you access this house! Rich boys toys |