Pix 09-Jul-16 1230hrs 40:35.016N 14:26.127E

1030hrs we weighed anchor and departed Sorrento. With very light winds we motored around to Isolottii Galli, a small Island group about 8nm WSW of Amalfi. We laid the anchor on the north
side of Il Gallo Lungo at 1230hrs, amongst many boats. Quite deep water close to the island so we were only 15m off by the time we extended the chain. Matt swam around the Island group (about 1.2NM), Jude and I had a swim and lunch. Very popular anchorage. According to the pilotage book notes, mythology has it that these are the Islands
of the sirens of which Circe warned Odysseus. We heard no enchanting songs so survived the experience! Cruise ship anchored with us at Marina Piccola, Sorrento Isolotti Galli in the distance Beautifully maintained wooden yacht Il Gallo Lungo Popular anchorage |