Pix 01-Sep-17 1715hrs 42:41.555N 18:02.535E

Aug 29: Kate and Alex left ACI Marina, Dubrovnik, early to drive by car to Split. From there they flew to Holland for a wedding. I commenced clean up, washing etc.
Over the next few days explored the local area on Brompton Green, getting some bits and pieces from various chandlery shops, along with a few tools. The bowthruster props were due to arrive Thursday Aug 31 so on the afternoon of Wednesday
Aug 30 I dived the boat and removed the two damaged props. Thursday morning I picked up the 4 props, dived the boat and fitted 2 and stored the pare 2. After giving the boat topsides a good wash and polish and topping up the water tanks 1615hrs I motored out of the ACI Marina single handed and headed to Zaton where I anchored. Zaton is a narrow luka about 3nm north west of Dubrovnik. The
plan was to hangout here for a couple of days then sail down to Cavtat on the 3rd and pick up Alex, who was scheduled to return from Holland that evening. I took the dinghy ashore to the village of Zaton for a look around and dinner after spending some time practising splicing double braid rope – hard work! Heading into Zaton in the dinghy Zaton View back to Zaton from Westralia |